This case series investigates the leadership narrative of director Mark O'Neill as a leading innovation initiative is overseen by him at Kelvingrove, the most visited museum of Scotland. The B case analyzes the reaction of the people and art critics. O'Neill arrives at Kelvingrove to find an institution in turmoil after a series of dramatic changes that have alienated visitors and funders .
Leading Innovation at Kelvingrove (B) Case Study Solution
Using an innovative style of direction that he describes as "labyrinth behaviour," he succeeds in transferring the traditionally discipline-headed, curator-dominated museum into a cross-disciplinary, visitor-oriented encounter. He also attains the community's political and financing support to accomplish his aims.
PUBLICATION DATE: September 26, 2009 PRODUCT #: UV3918-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE