MBA pupils Tim Joyce and Brandon Cornuke had what they considered was an excellent product concept: a body powder that could be delivered in an aerosol spray. Present market-leading powders like Gold Bond and Johnson's Baby Powder involved dirty application, as they were just accessible "dump-on" type. Joyce and Cornuke believed these problems would be solved by an aerosol powder spray.
They called their product concept Dry Goods. However, taking Dry Goods from idea to reality presented some serious challenges. Once they had a proven prototype how would two students without access to a laboratory have the ability to research and develop a complicated chemical/physical process like aerosol delivery manufacture it? To address these dilemmas, the two entrepreneurs sought out a contract manufacturing partner. After identifying numerous options, Cornuke and Joyce had to decide which associate offered them the best chances of success, given their targets and fiscal constraints.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP