After a successful series of Apollo NASA has developed a new concept for the space program, including the space station and to ensure regular access to space with the help of reusable space shuttles. In 1986, the design of the spacecraft consists of two solid rocket which requires the use of O-rings to seal the joints. After each run the launchers were received, inspected, and possibly repeatedly, they did not show evidence of the O-ring disaster. Challenger space shuttle flew nine successful missions in space and preparing for its tenth with great fanfare at the successful public relations program of NASA, "Teacher in Space Program." Evening until January 28, 1986 saw the launch representatives Kennedy Space Centre, the Marshall Space Flight Center and the contractor Morton Thiokol part in the 3-hour conference call to discuss if the predicted low temperature will have no effect on the expected performance of the O-rings. In addition to the statistical analysis of historical O-ring failure, stakeholders need to report their findings in an appropriate flow of information. "Hide
by John G. Wilson, Chris Anderson, K. Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 6 pages. Publication date: 07 May 2009. Prod. #: 909E09-PDF-ENG