IMD-5-0729 © 2007
Meehan; Sean
In 2001 Gerald Kleisterlee took over as CEO of Philips amid a financial crisis. The business was about to post its worst ever losses and was being seen by many as a candidate for takeover or break up. Kliesterlee engages in a procedure for reestablishing precedence for Philips from being a conglomerate narrative to be a high growth electronic equipment play and reformulating its strategy.
He knows the business has to be more externally focussed and decides to hire a Chief Marketing Officer; Andrea Ragnetti; to provide the impetus. The (A) case ends by posing the question: What should be Ragnetti’s first strategies and priorities? Learning objectives: To better understand how to create the conditions for exterior-in transformation of a…..
Philips Marketing Journey (A) case study solution
Subjects: Positioning; Brand; Customer focus; Change; Leadership
Settings: Global; Electronics; € 30 billion approx.; 2002-2007