Brand is Forever Framework for Revitalizing Declining and Dead Brands Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Over the years, many brands such as Oldsmobile, Pan Am, and Woolworth, met untimely deaths. Many more have steadily declined into oblivion, while others have been revived. When a brand is dying, significant investments have been made to create a brand, also lost. Unfortunately, even the most powerful brands with high net worth are not immune from the reduction of the brand and subsequent death. In today's market, where the introduction of new products are expensive and risky, it may be useful to assess the brands that cut and invest in their recovery. However, there is a dearth of studies that focus on the reduction of trade marks. In this article we will use the results of the scientific literature, in-depth case studies and interviews with marketing to develop guidelines on relations with the reduction brands. We analyze the conditions that lead to a decrease in the brand and death, provide evidence that may suggest impending decline, offer a look at the evaluation of the viability of the revival of the brand, and offer a variety of approaches that can be used to strengthen the brand and give it a second life. "Hide
by Sunil Thomas, Chiranjeev Kohli Source: Business Horizons 10 pages. Publication Date: July 15, 2009. Prod. #: BH340-PDF-ENG

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