In light of the tendency towards open innovation, interorganizational technology transfer by way of licensing and alliances has often become a key part of open innovation processes. Whereas outbound open innovation refers to external technology transfer inward technology transfer is described by inbound open innovation.
Traditionally, inward technology transfer has received considerable attention because most practitioners and professors focus on the technology receiver's absorptive ability. By comparison, the purpose of the technology source has been comparatively ignored. This informative article addresses the notion of desorptive capability, which refers to a firm's ability to transfer technology to the receiver and to identify technology transfer opportunities.
The idea of market knowledge in the idea of capability that is desorptive deepens our understanding of many firms' managerial problems in executing technology transfer strategies that are active. Thus, capacity that is desorptive enriches our comprehension of the dynamics of external technology transfer. It offers new insights into the success or failure of interorganizational technology trades.
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