It is a supplement to 9B11M016. The president and creator of New Deantronics (ND), established her sales office in San Francisco, California, in 1985 and then set up her factory in Taiwan in 1987. Without any technical qualifications or prior experience, through her system of management strategy and management philosophy, ND's reputation was developed by the president as a trustworthy manufacturer and developer of medical devices. All ND merchandises were directly exported to substantial international healthcare companies, including Philips Medical Systems, Johnson & Johnson, and Covidien.
With the rapid increase in business, for expanding output capacity, the demand became pressing. Sitting in her office in early 2009, the president knew that she could no longer postpone her decision. Several options were presented to her, and the factors that influenced her decision included considerations about the supply of quality human resources, geographical convenience, the possibility for future growth, affordability, as well as the willingness of her present workers to relocate.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION