In 2006, Mudra Communications (Mudra), the third biggest advertising agency in India, is in the middle of an organizational transformation in which information technology (IT) is seen by the best management as an enabler. The IT set up itself is seeing a transition at Mudra from manual systems to an Enterprise System (ES) which has been developed internally by the eight-member IT team directed by Executive Vice President (Technology) Sebastian Joseph.
Mudra Communications Case Solution
As he gets prepared to implement the first module of ES, called Mudra Business Operations Support System (mboss) covering 70 per cent of the activities of the service, Joseph is facing some managerial dilemmas related to planning the roll out, training the end users and managing the change that the brand new system will bring to the service. He is also making a choice between outsourcing the ES architecture and owning it and between outsourcing the development of the remaining seven modules and developing them internally, as before.
PUBLICATION DATE: September 13, 2011 PRODUCT #: W11170-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS