In the 1990's, Red Hat created itself as a leading proponent of the open source software movement and sought to carve out for itself a vital part in the open source marketplace. As of 2011, the organization reported $177 million in Non-GAAP operating income in FY2010, based on revenues of $748 million. Red Hat's market capitalization was set at $8 billion as of January 25, 2011. 65 offices operated worldwide, including employed 3,580, and 12 Global Support Service Centers people.
The Red Hat brand is associated with Linux even though their stable of merchandise offerings grew to comprise several other remarkable system software and middleware goods, such as Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and JBoss. The company transformed its thinking about and delivery of customer care, as Red Hat's Linux product line came to be widely accepted as an enterprise software platform. This case study investigates the advanced techniques Red Hat went about this transformartion procedure.
PUBLICATION DATE: November 30, 2011 PRODUCT #: W11543-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS