Israeli entrepreneur and inventor Dov Moran saw the development of a mobile device which was a small, isolated, fully operational mobile phone that could be slipped into a diversity of enclosures, or "jackets," that would deliver added functionality and better represent the styles of its users. As the development of the Modu mobile began to take shape, Moran and his team determined that to ensure the success of the brand new cellphone's much anticipated launching, Modu would develop and advertise the accessory coats itself.
Modu Optimizing the Product Line Case Study Solution
The inquiry was which of the eight jackets to come up with and what variables should be considered in making that decision. The case is about the best way to estimate optimum product-line extensions after accounting for encounter curve and cannibalization effects of products that share price, cost, and similar characteristics. The problem is how to optimize gains by selecting a perfect set of products.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING