represents a new web-site is developed, to bring together musicians to as in the fun-club-base in the order to raise the of funding to new bands. It gives the chance musicians, to get around the large the established record-companies and of their high royalty beret, at that time as giving fans of direct contact and being included with exciting new way acts. This is an example addition, the enterprise the idea of are transported from one of the country (Netherlands) and be applied into a new and a bigger geographical the setting (North America). Case illustrates the of the novel "the crowd-sourcing" business model,, which is intended for raise finance from the clients, a than the entrepreneur. Majority more important is that case illustrates the challenges of the, starting new enterprises the Internet and the early stage the founders of the of questions,, that are involved. After a long and costly the delay in establishing their web-site, the two founders of out of iso of all the forces were trying to generate any interest or even awareness among online-musicians and cooling fans, in spite of only a limited competition from other the players in on the market - the situation, , which is the already beginning on to change. Of students asked what to entrepreneurs behind can do to the raise awareness of the their servicing and, in order generate enough clients, order to survive. «Hide
on Simon Parker, Rocky Lui Source: Richard Ivey school of business Foundation 6 pages. Publish date: May 21 2010. Prod. #: 910A13-PDF-ENG