The (A) case describes the launching of a new passenger vehicle in China, produced together by Nissan of Japan and by Chinese automaker Dongfeng. Sales results following the April 2012 start were disappointing and also the joint venture's managers had to decide just how to respond. The case includes advice on the inclinations of Chinese purchasers of autos, including advice about environmental concerns, on government management, and on the structure of the sector.
The terse (B) case, formulated for distribution in group, describes further issues, as an international dispute between the Japanese and Chinese governments created further uncertainties for Chinese consumers and therefore for the carmakers. The (C) case terminates the story; it can further be distributed in classrooms.
PUBLICATION DATE: October 03, 2013 PRODUCT #: 714016-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION