In December 2003, Parmalat SpA fell into unexpected bankruptcy. His off-balance sheet debt was later revealed to be 14.3 billion euros, and it was discovered that he was allegedly falsifying its accounts and profits for more than 10 years. Detailed history of the company and Calisto Tanzi, the entrepreneur who founded it. Also describes the development of your company Parmalat "Extraordinary Administration," the company's restructuring under the Italian equivalent of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It seems like Parmalat mask its financial problems so long. Also examined: (1) when and why Parmalat financial problems began, (2) as the company's strategy Parmalat contributed to his problems, (3) the effect of changes in the environment (political and economic) on the company Parmalat; (4) the effect of History Parmalat and origins as a family business by the way he had her problems, (5), as such a large accounting misstatements may be made, (6) as those incorrect statements may be overlooked by investors, bankers, and regulators, as well as (7 ), the red flags and warning signs could alert outsiders problems of Parmalat. "Hide
by Stuart Hamilton, John Moss Source: IMD 35 pages. Publication Date: August 10, 2004. Prod. #: IMD183-PDF-ENG