Tokuchi concur that banks might become more disciplined through netizen monitoring, but fears this will have little effect on non-bank financing. Non-bank financing, part of a process that financial economists call 'disintermediation,' is an indicator of maturation in a country's monetary system. Tokuchi set off on to discuss an additional important step in the direction of fiscal maturation: the growing prevalence of mergers and acquisitions (M&As).
As M&A nurture, CITIC Securities has discovered increasing political resistance to Chinese purchases overseas , China approach toward foreign firms acquiring Chinese businesses. But Tokuchi notes that purchases involving a Chinese company, irrespective of whether that company is the target or the acquirer, face substantial hurdles from Chinese and foreign governments. As heightened resistance has gone along with augmented numbers of Chinese acquisitions abroad, he talks concerning the shift over the last couple of years.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about FINANCE & ACCOUNTING