There is a significant shift in business focus in the USA that is empowering businesses to not only declare their intent to be ethical businesses which do good while making a profit, but also to submit proof of that dedication for annual review by outside evaluators. Construction is being provided by a fresh business model for nonprofits that want to grow, for for-profits that want to be accountable, and for individuals wishing to invest in businesses with a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. B Lab has taken the lead in providing the models needed for this shift to a concentration on the double bottom line: profit and societal benefit. It has created the legal documents for state legislatures to utilize to pass a brand new corporate structure called the 'benefit corporation.'
Likewise, B Lab offers a performance assessment plan to become a Certified B Corporation, independent of legal corporate status, which likewise functions as an evaluation plan for benefit corporations. Additionally, it has created a ratings service and analytics platform, the Worldwide Impact Investing Rating System (GIIRS), to help institutional investors assess the impact of firms' corporate social responsibility initiatives. This informative article discusses advantages and the requirements of the brand new versions and addresses the dilemmas which have been raised about them. It also identifies companies that are integrating the gain corporation construction and are becoming Certified B Corporations.
The Double Bottom Line Profit and Social Benefit case study solution
Publication Date: January 15, 2014 Product #: BH578-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about Leadership & Managing People