Melissa Stepanis, deal group leader for Silicon Valley Bank's New York tech lending group, had taken maternity leave. She had not been ready to come back when she met with her manager to talk about her hoped-for return to work. Not planning to generate commitments that she mightn't have the capacity to keep, she stop. For Chris Edmonds- Waters, the head of human resources of SVB, Stepanis's somewhat sudden departure was worrying. She was the most recent example of a rise in tendency of womenwho had left the company.
Despite SVB's unique approach to work-life balance as well as the extent to which it reinforced employees, Edmonds-Waters had identified that SVB was facing a rising loss of women employees- although the proportion of men to women was quite identical at junior level positions in the organization, such was not the case at senior levels. SVB was losing promising and gifted girls-women, who if they remained with SVB, would likely advance into executive and senior positions. As Edmonds Waters spoke to colleagues about his observations, he recognized (1) SVB could make extra-efforts to advocate and keep talented employees like Stepanis, and (2) he was ready to make changes. The goal was to help keep talented and high potential workers who might otherwise leave the organization. The program offered assurance and SVB was deciding how much to grow it, while in its initial phases.
Silicon Valley Bank The On-Call Associates Program case study solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE