This is the next case in the AzzaFahmy series. This case and the three others in this series (9B13M097, 9B13M099 and 9B14M023) may be utilized collectively or on a standalone basis. This case series includes a female Egyptian entrepreneur who encounters the challenge of developing her self-titled jewellery brand.
In this case, the entrepreneur apprehends the significance of having a pleasant chain of power as well as a clear organizational structure with sections that are variant. As a result, her daughter is hired by her as the managing director to take on the obligation of developing a mission, vision and organizational structure that is not complex.
This restructuring allows the business to grow further, which heads the entrepreneur to consider her opportunities in the international market.Author Marina Apaydin is linked with American University of Beirut. Author HendMostafa is associated with American University of Cairo.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION