The “Advertisement procedure at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP” set of cases explores the purposes of general and firm-specific human capital in employee performance measurement, opinions, and promotion/compensation decisions. A leading law firm must decide whether to match an outside partnership offer to one of its top litigators, when the litigator is ineligible for partnership according to the present rules through which partners are elected by the firm.
A second non-litigator at the business has performed just as well as the star litigator, but has no external partnership offer, because skills and her role are particular to the company, and much less useful to the market that is exterior. The case may be instructed using a role play, where one pupil plays the function of the non-litigator, plus a second pupil plays the role of an officially-assigned mentor from the partnership group of the law firm.
(If utilizing the role play option, instructors must utilize the general information case scenario "The Promotion Procedure at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP," 914-044, and roles: "Chung and Dasgupta: Information for the Jordan Ramirez," 914-046, and the "Chung and Dasgupta: Information for Casey Clark," 914-047.) It can be instructed as a conventional case, regardless of a role play, by utilizing general information case scenario "The Promotion Procedure at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP" (914-044) and "Chung and Dasgupta: Additional Information on Jordan Ramirez and Casey Clark" (914-045). The cases give a rich backdrop to explore issues around business-specific human capital, and can be utilized to discuss professions at professional service companies, and subjective performance evaluation, best practices when giving employee comments.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT