Managing the change is almost positioned as one of the most crucial and hard jobs that leaders confront. This note outlines the key choices that leaders must make when engineering change. It's organized into four sections, offering guidance on what steps to take to:1) identify need for alteration 2) evaluate what type of alteration is needed. 3) Sketch a strategy that fosters stakeholders buy-in and 4) evaluate the effect. In addition to providing diagnostic frameworks for managing alterations.
Leading and Managing Change Case Study Solution
Along with providing diagnostic frameworks for handling change, it provides a conceptual review of modern change management theory and foundational. Pupils of change management, instructors, and supervisors should find this note particularly useful for discussing the central tenants of designing and implementing a change initiative.
PUBLICATION DATE: October 26, 2014 PRODUCT #: 415040-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE