Pay and promotion discrimination against women continues in the United States. Women earn less than men of similar qualifications, tend to work in professions and positions that pay less, and are under-represented in the higher echelons of management, including the CEO and board positions. Although the scope of sex discrimination career declined somewhat over the past few decades, his perseverance raises fundamental questions about why women seem to be at a disadvantage. This note seeks to understand the underrepresentation of women in the higher echelons of management, exploring the relationship between gender and power dynamics. An important issue of achieving power, as the rules are different, if they do, for men and women. If the rules are different or work in such a way that the lack of women, that women should or could do to build a road to power? There is a lot of research on reaching the position of women's power, and a lot of evidence to understand the basic mechanisms that partially explain why women, on average, are not as successful as similarly qualified men to obtain leadership positions or receive comparable wages. This note discusses some of the most relevant data on these issues. It provides an overview of existing social science theory and evidence that helps to clarify the interrelated issues of gender, power and career success. "Hide
by Jeffrey Pfeffer Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 19 pages. Publication Date: November 29, 2010. Prod. #: OB78-PDF-ENG