Marie Trellu-Kane is attempting to determine how Unis-Cite should respond to French President Jacques Chirac's statement in 2005 of a brand new national civil service program that is voluntary.
Since 1994, TrelluKane and her co-founders were establishing the foundation of a civil service program called UnisCite, in which youth, especially from the disadvantaged immigrant population, allocated nine months of their time to work on community endeavors.
Marie Trellu-Kane at Unis-Cité Establishing Youth Service in France Case Solution
Based in Paris, France, UnisCite had started to expand to other places. With the announcement that funding would be provided by the government to mobilize thousands of youth volunteers, Trellu Kane needed to decide how UnisCite would carry on.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 20, 2015 PRODUCT #: 415035-PDF-ENG
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