This article examines the disparity between the business school and the focus needs of the business community. Content analysis of 200 corporate officers gathered in the autumn of 2009 showed 140 special license / certificate / skills commonly cited as required for candidates applying for business jobs. A detailed reconciliation of these graduate skills with undergraduate business major tracks are here to help schools to better match educational programs with work requirements. This comparison and reconciliation process is proposed as the primary means to reduce disparities between post-license / certification / skills you need and academic tracks that are feeders for these positions. Examination of 200 resumes business students nearing the end showed low to no knowledge on the job description of the acquired skills. This finding suggests that the discrepancy between the business school and the focus continues practitioner needs, and potentially problematic, at least in the institutions of the samples. Content analysis of 100 school business course curriculum and 20 textbooks support this conclusion. This article provides suggestions for bridging the gap between the business school curriculum and corporate needs. The old school of business compared to our vision of a new business school, where a close approach to the preparation of undergraduate postgraduate work requirements serves both students and practitioners well. "Hide
by Fred R. David, Meredith E. David, Forest R. David Source: Business Horizons 12 pages. Publication Date: January 11, 2011. Prod. #: BH418-PDF-ENG