Electronic workplace, greater emphasis on knowledge and work teams, and management to improve the relevance of work experience is one of the factors that are related to higher levels of retention efforts between the problem of employees in the 21st century. This article considers three factors in the context of the dominant organizational form cheap operators, global corporations competitor, and a high participation of companies and how each of them can lead to a reduction in the work effort. Tools include new forms of retention efforts such as cyberloafing, as well as hides the lack of effort in virtual teams and in impression management. In addition, different ways of looking at the issue of the lower work effort is offered through the study of how the work ethic and the ethics of leisure can be synthesized to enhance organizational creativity, innovation and productivity. "Hide
by Roland E. Kidwell Source: Business Horizons 10 pages. Publication Date: January 15, 2011. Prod. #: BH408-PDF-ENG