Tim Hortons Inc., in 2014, needed to join a track that could ensure its success in increasing competition and shifting consumer trends. The company is from Canadian quick service restaurant industry and has been operating for around 50 years.
McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Dunkin’ Donuts, have already been enjoying a leading position in fast food such as coffee, donuts and sandwiches. To compete these market leaders and to globalize Tim Hortons, it needs to generate the financial resources, store saturation, organization empowerment, innovative culture, and renowned brand.
The company is far less known outside its country’s market because of its brand, which resembles to Canada only. The Brazilian parent of Burger King, 3G Capital, acquired the company in mid-August, but this deal is still awaiting for the approval from its shareholders and Canadian and U.S. regulators.
However, this merger might open the door of opportunities for the company to expedite its growth, but whether this initiative, under the pressure of market leader, would be enough for the company to accomplish a competitive advantage globally?