PremiumSoft has been a competitive player in the software market SQL for 10 years. Like many software companies, the business model PremiumSoft demanded that he constantly develop this successful product lines, research and development. At the core of the business was its creative people: they are the biggest asset of the company. PremiumSoft has created a team-oriented, informal work, which contributed to creativity and innovation and attract the best candidates. As a small company, PremiumSoft was a combination of formal and informal control when it comes to recruitment, retention, roles and responsibilities. He has been successful recruitment, retention and management of its employees and wants that it can support the success of future growth. In 2010, the owners were PremiumSoft search for business development through the development of new software. This growth requires increased its staff by 25 percent and adding a new product line. "Hide
by Neil O'Connor, May Yu, Melissa Moi Source: University of Hong Kong, 10 pages. Publication Date: June 21, 2011. Prod. #: HKU937-PDF-ENG