The spread of transnational companies from developing countries to the observers, politicians and scientists by surprise. Study authors, these up-and-coming TNK shows several important features that distinguish them from the developed partner countries, namely related to the internationalization of their speed, competitive (DIS) advantage of political opportunities, expansion path, the preferred mode of entry and organizational adaptability. The study of these factors shows some of the benefits they enjoy and how they sometimes subverted the conventional theory of growth. Managers of traditional, established MNCs can learn from their experience, adopting a networking and innovative organizational forms. They also need to think about the sources of competitive advantages than other technologies and brands, especially in the area of ​​performance and political skills - because the new generation of MNC rapidly changing global competition "Hide
by Mauro F. Guillen, Esteban Garcia-Canal Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 7 pages. Publication Date: September 15, 2011. Prod. #: IIR055-PDF-