Westinghouse has just published its annual report to shareholders for the year ended December 31, 1973. The report indicated that sales rose to a record $ 5.7 billion, but the net profit is reduced by almost 20% from its record high of $ 199 million in the previous year. Letter from the Chairman to shareholders that while income was not very good in 1973, he expects them to recover in 1974. Can be used as a 1 st or 2 nd time in the second year MBA course on the analysis of corporate financial statements. The goal is to introduce students to the concept of "quality of earnings." Most of the attention if it comes to the flexibility of management decision-making, taking into account that determine the net income. "Hide
by Norman J. Bartczak Source: Harvard Business School 23 pages. Publication Date: April 20, 1982. Prod. #: 182239-PDF-ENG