Describes a very successful efforts by major energy companies to initiate a comprehensive program of quality improvement throughout the organization. Designed to be used in the comparative analysis of quality improvement efforts described in Paul Revere Insurance Company (A). Students learn that there is no "right way" to build the concept of defect prevention organization (supported such features as experts Deming, Juran, Crosby). Most likely, the development and implementation of strategies for improving the quality should be adjusted for such variables as the nature of the demand for the organization and its service delivery process, corporate culture, organizational climate, financial performance, industry structure, and trends, and competing demands on organizational attention. Important topics discussed are the implementation of programs, problem solving methodology / philosophical roots, rewards and recognition, evaluation, conservation of momentum and limitations / problems. "Hide
by Christopher WL Hart, Joan Livingston Source: Harvard Business School 15 pages. Publication Date: December 1, 1987. Prod. #: 688043-PDF-ENG