Social unrest witnessed around the world in 2011, expresses the frustration of many people whose dreams have been shattered. The dream of the likelihood that a person imagines his or her job or work life, which ideally should generate excitement, but for many is more distant reality. Instead of undermining people's dreams any further due to a short-term rate, the best strategy is to help people regain their lost dreams and take steps to implement them. As the authors of the study, companies that help employees realize their dreams and find meaning in their personal and professional lives to end up with a much more engaged and productive workforce, and as a rule, are more successful in carrying on their most talented employees and managers , generate innovation and growth in the process. For companies operating across borders, special attention should be paid to the culture-specific dreams and aspirations, in order to inspire people around the world anew. "Hide
by Douglas T. Hall, Alan Feldman R Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 8 pages. Publication Date: December 15, 2011. Prod. #: IIR061-PDF-ENG