Palforzia: Valuing a Treatment for Peanut Allergy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Palforzia: Valuing a Treatment for Peanut Allergy Case Study Analysis


Food allergies have become an increasingly significant health concern in recent years, with peanut allergies being among the most common and potentially life-threatening. The prevalence of peanut allergy has been on the rise, affecting an estimated 1-2% of the population in the United States and Europe, and even higher rates in some countries. Peanut allergy can cause severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, which can be fatal without prompt treatment. As a result, patients and caregivers must be vigilant in avoiding exposure to peanuts, which can greatly impact their quality of life.

Recent developments in peanut allergy treatments, such as Palforzia and Viaskin Peanut, have offered new hope to patients and physicians seeking preventative options. However, the market for peanut allergy treatments is still evolving, with several companies developing products that may eventually compete in this space. In this context, Oakdale Pharmaceuticals must evaluate the potential value of its gene therapy for peanut allergy and determine whether it is a worthwhile investment.

To make an informed decision, Oakdale Pharmaceuticals needs to understand the size of the global peanut allergy market, as well as patient and physician attitudes toward preventative treatments. This paper will analyze these factors and develop a patient flow model to evaluate market potential. Based on this analysis, we will explore three alternative strategies for Oakdale Pharmaceuticals and recommend a course of action that will enable the company to capitalize on this market opportunity. The purpose of this report is to analyze the peanut allergy market, identify opportunities and threats, and recommend the best course of action for Oakdale.

Problem Statement

Oakdale Pharmaceuticals is exploring the possibility of developing gene therapy for peanut allergies. The company needs to analyze the peanut allergy market to determine the potential for its gene therapy. Specifically, the company needs to evaluate the market size, patient and physician motivation to consider preventative treatments, patient flow models, and pricing strategies. Additionally, the company must consider the competitive landscape and identify potential opportunities and threats.


Market Size:

Globally, it is estimated that 220-250 million individuals suffer from peanut allergies. In the United States, approximately 1% of the population has a peanut allergy, equating to 3 million people. This market size is significant and presents a significant opportunity for Oakdale Pharmaceuticals. Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies, affecting approximately 1-2% of the global population.

According to the World Allergy Organization, peanut allergy prevalence has increased over the past few decades, particularly in Western countries. The organization estimates that up to 250 million people worldwide may suffer from food allergies, with peanut allergy being one of the most severe and potentially life-threatening.

Patient and Physician Motivation:

Peanut allergies can cause severe, potentially fatal reactions. As a result, both patients and physicians are highly motivated to consider preventative treatments. However, preventative treatments, such as immunotherapy, are time-consuming and require frequent visits to the doctor's office, making them less attractive to patients. In addition to this, Both patients and physicians are highly motivated to consider preventative treatments for peanut allergy, given the severe and potentially life-threatening nature of the condition.

Current treatment options for peanut allergy are limited to avoiding exposure to peanuts and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector in case of an allergic reaction. Preventative treatments, such as immunotherapy, offer the potential to reduce or eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction to peanuts. However, some patients may be hesitant to undergo immunotherapy due to the potential side effects and the need for ongoing treatment.

Patient Flow Model:

To create a patient flow model, we had to understand the potential market size for peanut allergy treatments in the US. About 10% of the US population, or approximately 32 million people, have food allergies. Of those with food allergies, peanut allergy is the most common, affecting approximately 1.6 million people in the US. To evaluate the market potential, we created a patient flow model. Based on the model, we estimate that approximately 1.6 million patients in the United States could benefit from Oakdale's gene therapy. However, a patient flow model for peanut allergy immunotherapy is as under:

  • Patients with peanut allergies seek medical care from a primary care physician, allergist, or another healthcare provider.
  • Healthcare providers refer patients to an allergist or immunologist for further evaluation and potential treatment.
  • Patients undergo diagnostic testing to confirm peanut allergy and determine the severity of the allergy.
  • Patients who are eligible for immunotherapy receive treatment, either with Palforzia or another product, under the supervision of an allergist or immunologist.
  • Patients continue to receive treatment over several months to several years, to achieve desensitization to peanuts.
  • Patients who complete immunotherapy may no longer need to avoid peanuts and may have a reduced risk of an allergic reaction................
  • Palforzia Valuing a Treatment for Peanut Allergy Case Study Analysis

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