Seeing in the dark Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Seeing in the dark Case Study Solution


FLIR Commercial Innovation System was established in 1996 as Indigo Systems, a producer of imaging products for thermal impacts located in Santa Barbara, California.Their initial products involved infrared sensing chips. Customers could either buy chips manufactured by Indigo or customize their own chips. The chips were the main component of the infrared cameras which could create images from the infrared spectrum of visible light. The firm developed an ‘Innovation Centre’ after attending a program at Stanford University for Customer-Focused Innovation. The idea then sparked upon the CEO and they established a center directed toward the innovation practices of the firm which proved to be successful and lentan important success factor for the firm. (David W. Hoyt, 2008)

Current Innovative Management Problems

  • The current problem faced by the company is how the firm is going to manage and deal with the large number of ideas being generated by the Innovation Centre and how the firm can utilize them. This is in accordance with thetextbook Managing Innovations which clearly stated that the organization with new and innovative products faces problems due to the organizational culture as they are designed for a specific process and the innovations are a difficult task to incorporate.(Bessant, 2021)
  • The second important problem being faced by the firm is if the Innovation Center could be expanded to other departments or divisions of the firm. This is also in accordance with the same textbook which defines the conflict of management when expanding is required and the staff of other members finds it difficult to manage. For example, the staff might be within a single department such as research, marketing, or design. A special team needs to beformed, including a representative to heed the assigned task.(Bessant, 2021)

Important Problem

The important problem in my opinion is the expansion problem in which the firm needs to expand the concept of the Innovation Center to other divisions. This is an important factor to be addressed and the criteria behind this selection is that the firm is gaining benefits from the culture of the Innovation Centre and this could benefit the entire organization.The. company culture needs to update with the changing macro environment and thus expansion is necessary.


The main stakeholders with respect to the firm are Jeff Frank who founded the Innovation Centre and the other one includes the entire staff of the Innovation Centre. They are the ones concerned about the expansion problem and thus implement the idea to other members of the organization.

Factor Behind the Problem

The main factor behind the problem is the implementation of the strategy which leads to the success of the department and tries to render these strategies to other departments in order to lead these departments to success terms and reinforce the innovative culture in the firm.this is also in accordance with the textbook Managing Innovationswhere it states that product development requires the combined efforts of the entire staff and all the team members being included.


Alternate 1: Communications

Holding seminars and workshops with the aid of trained professionals arethe main solution of the problem in order to make staff aware of the campaign. This is a reliable solution to the problem as the key concept to address the concept expansion plan and involves direct communication with the staff members rather than implementing the rules and spreading them through management. The stakeholders could find these usefulas communication is the key to spread the word.

Alternate 2: Rules and Regulations

The addition of these concepts in the basic code of conduct is the major way to address the problem.The entire firm needs to follow these steps and this would lead to the correct implementation of the concept. The major advantage of this over other solutions is that the rules and regulations are to be followed by the entire firm whatsoever, so the correct implementation of the program is ensured. This would be an easy way for the stakeholders as well as much effort would not be needed.(McClean, 2019)

Alternate 3: Strengthening the Management

The heads of each department need to be trained and guided to affirm that the rules are being followed correctly and that there is no negligence. Strict monitoring is the best way to implement the plan correctly. This is the major advantage over other solutions when the task is broken down to individual levels and thus the plan is implemented correctly. This would lead to the correct implementation of the plan and would benefit the stakeholders as the burden would be greatly reduced and the correct implementation is ensured.


The basic criteria to compare the above plans are the mass-level implementation or the individual-level implementation. The communication and the rules are the mass level which requires many trained professionals while the training of managers requires individual-level assigning. They would be responsible for the training of the individual departments.


The best alternative that could be selected is alternative 2 i.e. rules and regulations as it is a mass-level implementation that requires every staff of the firm to follow these. The major benefit of this alternative over other solutions is that the rules and regulations are to be followed by the entire organization whatsoever, so the correct implementation of the program is ensured. This would render an easy way for the stakeholders as well as much effort would not be needed.

Implementation Plan

Short-term steps

  • The firm needs to analyze the basic strategies to include in the rules and regulations.
  • The criteria for implementing the plan need to be worked out.

Medium steps

  • The inclusion of these rules and regulations should be made known to other members by either displaying them over flyers or other advertisement methods.
  • The training program could be held to make sure that the plan is slowly implementing.

Long-term steps

  • The rules should be monitored correctly if they are followed and penalties should be imposed for any disobedience.
  • The feedback should be recorded to foresee any changes that could be made to the plan.


  • One problem with implementing the recommended solution might be the change of culture that would require serious analysis which could be overcome by the slow and correct implementation strategy.
  • There would be cost issues as well as the hiring of trained professionals and the advertising of the added rules could be costly, this could beaddressed by the training of professionals in low-income methods or convincing them to the training.......................
  • Seeing in the dark Case Study Solution

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