Analysis of Gordon’s decision for night skiing

The case analyzed the major decision of the CEO of Blue Mountain for the introduction of Night Skiing and to provide extra facilities to its existing participants (Seasonal as well as regular). However in order to project accurate results for the forecasted revenues under the night ski, Gordon distributed some questionnaires to the participants of day ski and also to the potential participants, who want to join for membership in the Blue Mountain resort.

The aim of distributing the questionnaires would be to collect the information from each consumer in order to decide the potential benefits of introducing the night ski and the barrier for the revenues under different perceptions collected from the people.

Since the resort was successful in the past few years and tend to increase the number of skiers in the future, so analysis had taken from the historical performance of Blue Mountain and concluded that the resort would benefit more by introducing the night ski and a combination of day and night stay.

Another opportunity had analyzed by Gordon, which was the increasing number of young generations towards the sporting activities and tends to spend more time in the sports rather than their general lifestyle.

It has been analyzed that the diversification of the resort facilities under the night ski required $135,500 introducing the system of night services. To achieve the result, CEO analyzed the critical market demand for the night ski and determine the pricing strategy to run the system of night ski.

After analyzing the pricing level of the project, it is concluded that majority of the participants will come from seasonal events and some of the participants will likely to join day and night ski under different conditions offered by the Blue Mountain Resort.

Data Collection for Night Ski project

After the critical analysis of the market and review of the historical performance of the Blue Mountain, it has been determined that diversification in night ski could benefit the company in more profits and increase the memberships with additional participants to spend their money on the ski facilities.

In order to avail the project of night ski, different market analysis has been taken to collect the response about the particular project and its demand. So the CEO distributed the questionnaires and surveys to the existing members as well as the potential subscribers for the ski facilities.

The number of questions included the name, age, occupation and additional information for the behavioral and general assessment of the selected participants. Which would allow the Blue Mountain to facilitate according to the lifestyle of the people?

It also indicates that during the seasonal ski event in the past year, a consistent number of members had added and which allows diversifying the area of the business for new participants. However, the data collected through surveys shows that there is still the market demand for night ski especially in the special days like Christmas for enjoyment.

The other information required for the introduction of night ski can be the projected operating costs and initial cost for the new plant development. Also the feedback from the selected participants who were included in the day ski events (Seasonal and regular) subjected to provide the pricing strategy about the operation of night ski facilities.

It is concluded that the project reflects a positive response from the existing as well as some potential participants and, therefore, can be beneficial for the resort and the members because of the flexible timings after the working hours.

Target segments for Night ski

The project of night ski required some of the data to analyze the potential respondents under the age and marital status because it would know about the interest of the particular people in the field of sports. For example, most of the people over the age of 35 are unable to perform the sporting activities because of their old ages and less stamina.

However, the selected survey shows that people under the age of 18-24 can be considered as the young generations with additional stamina to perform sporting activities. Under this age, Blue Mountain analyzed the majority participants who were engaged at least 3-4 time a week in sports and which could be the primary target of Blue Mountain.

The second target has been analyzed with the age between 25-34, who are the professional persons and willing to spend some of the time in sports for relaxation. The target could also be considered in favor of Blue Mountain because these people were engaged in the weekend sports and didn’t subject to price sensitivity.

The overall results show that 41.6% of the participant can be considered as the age of 18-24 and which are connected to the educational studies. Therefore, the historical analysis shows that major sports players came from the early age background efforts. So it would be simple for the Blue Mountain to attract these peoples in order to be profitable by increasing the level of participants.

It has also been analyzed that the age between 24-35 showed an increasing number of participants historically, so these people could also be somehow major participants for the Blue Mountain resort because they performed the sports activities during the weekend days….


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