Reaction Time on the Stroop Experiment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Reaction Time on the Stroop Experiment Case Study Help

Referring to the box plot, all the Stroop game are played below 50 seconds and above 12.92 seconds. Furthermore, the line that separates the rectangular in to two is the mean, in case of the box plot of the Stroop game, the mean of the time is 22.97, which means that mostly the time consumed by players for the practicing the Stroop game is 22.96 seconds. Additionally, the time taken by the players to play the Stroop game is more than 25 seconds. The standard deviation of Stroop game is 5.979 which means that the values are close to the mean of the data set.

After performing a repeated measure ANOVA test, it was concluded that there was a significant difference between training games plans and time (F (2,222) =124.725, P<.001. Post hocs uncovered that when subject played the standard practice game, they had altogether lower significant finish time (M=19.879, SD=3.885) than when they played the neutral game (M=25.762, SD=6.606) and the reverse game (23.268, SD=5.617) (table descriptives).

Referring to the results of the Mauchly's Test of Sphericity within (within person) subject effects which represents the variability of the specific value for the individuals in the sample, the p value is less than 0.05 which means that the Mauchly's Test of Sphericity is statistically significant, which in turn provides a strong statistical significant evidences to reject the null hypothesis and to accept the alternate hypothesis, concluding that the variance of the difference are not equal or the Sphericity is violated.

Additionally, the d value of reverse Stroop game under the neutral group is 0.6 which means that the size of effect is medium. The d value of the standard Stroop game under the neutral Stroop game is 1.4 which means that the effect size is so large. On the other hand, the d value of the standard Stroop game under the reverse Stroop game is 0.85, which means that the effect size is large.

Scope of the study

Taking into consideration the Stroop game – one of the widely used games in the psychology- provides a solid foundation of measuring the selective attention capacity and skills of the person along with his or her ability of processing speed. One of the significant strength of the study is its wide range of applications and possibilities which could be adapted to measure emotional tonus, attention as well as other mental capabilities of the health. Furthermore it is equally effective in various ethnic and cultural groups and easy to understand and translate.

The study would provide psychologist the extensive opportunity to have in-depth knowledge and understanding about how the human brain works as when performing the Stroop test the human brain set aside the word that is seen & instead emphasize on the word color. Additionally, it helps future researchers in illustrating the capacity of the people for the selective attention and the ability of some stimuli for escaping the attentional control. Furthermore, the evaluation of the speed of processing theory helps in understanding that the interferences tend to occur because of the fact that the colors are named slower than reading the words; whereas the selective attention theory illustrates that the interferences occur because naming different colors tends to requires more and extensive attention as compared to reading words. The research is design with an intent of facilitating the researchers with new ideas to open new dimension of research.

Limitations of the study

The foremost limitation of the study is that the level of understanding and information to different statistical techniques is limited that is considered during the current study. If the Stroop effect is applied with comprehensive planning it tends to require a certain degree of literacy and it might not be fit for every infants or young children. Additionally, the study did not taken into account the gender effect. The gender biasness should be considered while designing the study because of the reason that the women are comparatively better at verbal whereas the men have greater spatial capability and skills (Mekarski, 1996).


Considering the analysis of the Stroop effect, the subjects represented the capability to finish the test and improved abilities for the analysis of the Stroop test. Due to this reason, the hypothesis of the study is rejected, which means that an individual develops the ability to read the color names regardless of the change in the written words. This presents improved cognitive skills of the subjects....................................


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