Ruth’s Chris: The High Stakes Of International Expansion Case Study Analysis
Unethical Behavior in given Suggestion
When a problem occurs in decision-making between two given options and none of the options is, acceptable from an ethical perspective refers as ethical dilemma. As the given suggestion, to relabel the USDA beef as Australian beef and use it in any overseas locations that do not accept the USA’s beef imports, is totally unethical act because it the breach of international codes of business,which is not acceptable worldwide and this suggestion also breaches the compliance of ethical norms.
4.2 Major Factors Affecting Ethical or Unethical Behaviors
- Organization’s characteristics and mechanisms that influence individual’s ethics may include company’s appraisal systems, Rewards allocation systems and behaviors of managers.
- Organizational culture is one of the factors that determine Ethical or Unethical behaviors, because its culture reflects what the firm stands for and create an environment that influences employees ethically or unethically.
- Issue intensity is also one of the factors that determine company’s ethical or unethical behaviors, such as: consensus of wrong doings, concentration of effect etc.
Based on this analysis, we believe that Dan Hannah would not entertain this suggestion because Ruth Chris would lose organizational culture and reputation once accept the given suggestion. Whenever any business conduct any illegal business activity then they would be charged with huge fines once found out. Furthermore, this suggestion has some burdensome consequences that is why Hannah should not accept it.
4.3 Corporate Governance Actions
Following actions of Corporate Governance are needed to be takenin order to improve/ensure appropriate ethical behavior of its employees.
- Proper monitoring and evaluation are needed in order to avoid such unethical suggestions in future. Independent employees should be appointed for managing TQM.
- There should be complete transparency in the operational as well as the labeling aspectsof the business in order to avoid such scandal in the future. For which, a separate quality transparency committee should initiated.
- Information should not be fragmented because when all the stakeholders are wellinformed there are chances that this kind of incident will not happen again.
- LabellingAudit Department should work separately where the CEO and the executives should not haveauthority of this department.
5.1 Ruth Chari’s Industry Life Cycle
An Industry life cycle possess four stages named Introduction, at this stage, sales are very slow because product is very new to the consumers. Second stage is Growth, at this stage; sales are increasing day by day. The third stage is Maturity, where profits are stagnant and then come the last stage, which is the Decline phase. As Ruth Chris runs its operations nationally and internationally so its industry cycle is discussed below:...........................................
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