Organizational Behaviour Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Organizational Behaviour Case Study Solution

On the other hand, one of the key factors in terms of bringing an improvement in theirperformance at the workplace includes interaction as it is considered to be an important aspect to keep other employees informed,and significantly promotes the collaboration. (McShane, 2003)Such practices are primarily known for a significant reduction in negative relations, improving the workplace performance. (Richardson, 2014) Considering the fact, workplace diversity is a wide-ranging difference that greatly affects the interaction and achievement of the business results and the efficient performance of the employees. (Ugwa Magnus, 2015 )

Additionally, another way in terms of bringing improvement in the self-awareness of the individual that positively affects the performance of the employees,mainly includes writing down your key plans and priorities i.e. what you actually want to do andhow you do it in order to track your progress. In this manner, one can significantly perform self-assessment for the evaluation of the potential outcomes through the determination of the improvement to overcome the weaknesses. The building of the self-awareness is considered to be a life-long effort,because self-awareness is known for the creation of the opportunity for bringing changes in the behavior and beliefs linked with the alteration of the metacognitive skills as well as the abilities in order to achieve an overall success.

Appendix A –Difference between Sam and Jian’s behaviour:


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