In the early 1990s, Donna Klein, director of work / life programs Marriott International, interviewed hotel and resort managers, and found that they had to rely to help them cope with the stresses of his personal life. Immigration, child custody, domestic violence - many personal problems were, requiring up to 50% of the time management and charging extremely high turnover among the company's more than 100,000 low-paid workers. Although Marriott offers traditional resources, depending on the care and help desk, Klein realized that the service was not particularly helpful or appropriate for hourly workers. She realized that hourly employees need assistance in finding cost-effective ways to solve their personal problems, and one-on-one counseling to help them connect to local resources. Shaken to the survey, the management asked Klein and her associates to work out a solution to solve this problem. "Hide
by Kathleen Meyer, Laura Pochop, David Bollier Source: Business Enterprise Trust 4 pages. Publication Date: December 30, 1996. Prod. #: 996057-PDF-ENG