While China remains a plant in the world, some companies are beginning to realize that the extraordinary field they once enjoyed has been steadily eroded. Why? Rising prices for raw materials and labor only partially explain why more and more companies prefer to return part or all of the production, which they had previously been granted to China. Rather, fragmented and inefficient supply chain between China and Europe is a big culprit. A study conducted by the Port of Barcelona Chair of Logistics at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai to analyze the role and relationship between the agents and all the key players in this strategically important supply chain. This article highlights that could be improved, and the authors recommend ways to improve efficiency, so that business people do trade with China to reap the benefits without the headache. "Hide
by Jaume Ribera, Christina Castillo Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 8 pages. Publication Date: March 15, 2012. Prod. #: IIR072-PDF-ENG