Companies that are able to radically change their entrenched ways of doing things, and then returning leaders in their industries are the exception rather than the rule. Even less common are companies able to anticipate a new set of requirements and to mobilize internal and external resources required to meet them. Several companies make the transition from their old model to the new happy. Typically, they start looking for a new way forward only when they are pushed. This raises two important questions for corporate managers: (1) is to reduce the inevitable? (2) The company really needs financial crisis catalysing change, or they can adopt new ways of doing things, if not under pressure? Management theorists have noted that the recession, although perhaps not inevitable, at least very likely, after a certain period of time. For this reason, according to the authors, it is important for organizations to develop a new dynamic to consciously, and not rely solely on its historical features. In his attempt to understand what makes for a successful organizational transformation, the authors studied 215 of the largest public companies of the United Kingdom. The article deals with three companies that transformed-Cadbury Schweppes in the packaged goods, Tesco in the grocery retail and Smith & Nephew in medical devices. He compares them with three other companies of similar industries, which were also successful, but were not necessary to make a significant shift. The authors found that companies that had become three main advantages compared to their peers. First, they were able to create an alternative to the coalition government. Secondly, they were able to create a tradition of highly-engineered business as usual. And third, they were able to exploit the "happy accidents" to make strategic changes. Together, these benefits have helped them create a virtuous cycle of strategic transformation. "Hide
by Jerry Johnson, George S. Yip, Manuel Hensmans Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 10 pages. Publication Date: April 1, 2012. Prod. #: SMR414-PDF-ENG