How Patient Care That You Provide Has Influence Your Career and Your Decision to Continue Your Education Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

How patient care influence one’s career and decision to continue your education.

As a licensed practical nurse, I have been encouraged to care for the sick, convalescent, disabled or injured patients in order to pursue my education. Currently, I am monitoringpatients that aretermed as demanding by the nursing staff due to their unkind words, high interference and care during theirtenurein the hospital.

My journey beganwhen I chose to pursue some knowledge in nursing, I starting administeringCoumadin test for clients and thereafter,I have conferred the results taken from testswith the physicians of clients. I have received many certificates in this field. I went to a well reputed college and university so as to increase my knowledge in nursing. I have taken clinical training between 2007 and 2008 from Nassau University Medical Center. Now, I am a licensed practical nurse seeking to increase my expertise in the same field and to continue my education in nursing care in order to better provide healthcare to patients.

My ultimate career objective is to provide utmost care to patients and position myself in nursing care, additionally, I want to be advocate patients and support them, also to uphold the highest standards in this field.

As a practicing nursing, I have gained so much experience and therefore, gain expertise in the specialized fields as well as areas from where I can getexceptional knowledge. For the initiation, I realized that I had the urge to care forthe patientsin anexceptional way, the way, care soothes the patient and the feeling ofrelief and happiness of thepatientsalwaysencouraged me to pursue my career in more detail.


Since the initiation of my careerin nursing, I have come up with different cases, but the most interesting cases are the demanding patients thatare so difficult to handle that in many situation, the nurses are reluctant to visit the patientandtry hard not tovisit them until another nurse takes over.

By analyzing this, I initiated to attend these patients.Doing so, I noticed that their unkind words, high demands and rude attitude had no effect on me, which further strengthened with the days passing. Such ability allowed me to handle these patients and offer equal treatment.

Infact, in any situation, through the tenure, I noticed that I have been successful in either transforming the attitude of these types ofpatients, or adapting with their patient habits, making the care journey easier in the longterm.

Moreover, such strength and approach also enabled me to teach the tactics to other nurses that find it difficult tohandle the demanding patients.Under the hospitalssettings, it is difficult to maintain the decorum in presence of thedemandingpatients thatare keenly reluctantto follow the rules in many cases disturbs other patients too, leading to chaos andultimately the bad report of the nursing staff to the Management.

Perhaps, my attitude towards handling such patients has not only relived the other nursing staff, but also allowed me to handle all types of situation easily, increasingmy capabilities under pressure, which are importanttobecome a highly qualified and excellent nurse in the hospital. Such factors have allowed me to or made me passionate to pursue my career as nurse...............

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