This assignment is about modeling power transmission line in to Excel sheet. The discussions have to be made according to those results and needed to be presented here. Before discussing the work presented in this assignment let us know about the transmission line and the parameters they are test upon. The significant concerns in the plan and operation of a transmission line are to find out the voltage drop, line losses and efficiency of the transmission line. The three line constants that include resistance (R), capacitance (C) and the impedance (L) of the transmissions lines manipulate these values. Just to give an example the resistance of the conductors in the transmission line causes power losses, and determines the efficiency of transmission. These values are calculated using bunch of formulas that are given below in the Formulas Used heading. To emphasize on the benefits of these formulas one can state two really important explanations. A) They help in widening overall concepts, and perceptive of what is happening on electrical power systems. B)An interested learner has an opportunityto realize,and comprehend the effects of the factor of the line on its voltages and the stream of power.
Classification of Transmission Lines:
The three constants R, L and C are distributed uniformly along the entire span of the transmission line. The series impedance is a combined impedance of resistor and inductor. The capacitance between conductors for 1-phase or in terms of 3-phase the conductance between conductor to the neutralappears as a shunt course throughout the span of a line.These effects cause complications in to our transmission lines and the manner to take these capacitances in to our consideration are classified as follows:
Modeling Power Transmission Line Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Short Transmission Lines
Medium Transmission Lines
Long Transmission Lines
i) Short Transmission Lines
A short transmission line has about 50 km to 80km length, and the voltage running in the line is comparatively low that is to give a value < 20kV. The small length and low voltage gives a luxury to neglect small effects of the capacitance. Only parameters that are taken in to account are the resistance and inductance. The figure given below demonstrates a model of short transmission line.
Figure 1 Model for Short Transmission Line
ii) Medium Transmission Lines
A medium transmission line has about 80 km to 240km length, and the voltage running in the line is reasonably high ( > 20kV< 100kV). As this line has a sufficient length and voltage, the capacitance has to be taken in account. The distributed capacitance for the sake of calculation is alienated, and lumped in the figure of condensers shunted from corner to corner of the line. The model to represent medium transmission line is as follows;
Figure 2 Medium Transmission Line Model
iii) Large Transmission Lines
A large transmission line has more than 240 km length, and the line voltage running in the line is very high (> 100kV). In order to treat such large line, the line constants are considered uniformly distributed over the line, and extensive procedures are deployed for the solution...........
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