This case revolves around a well-established home products’ retailer company named Lowe’s Inc. which started its operations in theyear 1946. The company started to grow very quickly and it developed its operations in such a way that it brings productive results as well as it is making its financial position very strong because itshowed a record revenue earning of around 48.2 billion dollars in theyear 2008. Moreover, the company has diversified its operations globally by enhancing its existence in Canada and United States.
Moreover, the company was continuously working on increasing its sales through the introduction of different measures such as the company initiated the remodeling and renovation of the kitchen models and provided installation services through end to end service in standardized and customized forms.
In order to develop its brand image and better brand position, company was using different marketing techniques to maximize its wealth through the digital and traditional marketing techniques. These techniques will be working as amode of communication for the different products and services offered by the company. This will create better brand positioning in the minds of its customers and will lead to better brand awareness and competitive advantage for the company. Itsprime focus is to increase its customer base by focusing on the existing customers with better quality products and services to maintain anappropriate growth rate in its market share.
Lowe’s Company Inc Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Challenges faced by Simpson and his team:
The Simpson and his team were facing many issues and challenges in competing aggressively with their rivals. The major challenges faced by the Simpson and his team are mentioned below:
• Company was not able to provide better after sales services to its customers
• Company was not able to interact with customers during the process
• The company was also having limited access and interaction with its customers and was unable to facilitate its customers before and after the buying cycle.
• Customers were unaware of the value proposition to be generated from Lowe’s products and services due to its poor communication through marketing channels.
• Simpson and his team were also facing issues to create aggressive strategies to compete with their rivals such as IKEA and SEARS and other small market players.
• Simpson and his team are facing amajor challenge in terms of the fault-free product because they do not inspect the products themselves.
• Additional services provided to the customers are costing a lot for the company and hence thecompany is unable to maximize itsearnings from itslimited budgets.
Proposed Marketing Strategy:
The proposed marketing strategy will be the mixture of both the mediums such as the mix of digital and traditional media. Both the channels will work together to bring better results through the synergy and eventually the company will be able to generate a higher return on investment by capturing more customer base through the proper delivery of its messages.
The strategy will cover the three aspects by creating awareness of the company’s latest products and services through the traditional media and the major change in consumer’s perception will be created by creating a better brand positioning in the minds of the customers through the engagement of the digital medium. However, thecompany can generate ahigher return on investment and increasing demand through the paid search marketing techniques, which will be a more effective medium for the company to create superior customer value..................
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