American Cancer Society- Access to care Case Study Solution
The New Strategy
Traditional methods for fight against cancer revolved around using innovative technology to reduce the impact of the cancer. The doctors were more focused upon creating a new drug or a new medicine to increase the immunisation of a person against cancer. American Cancer Society (ACS) revolved around the motive of creating awareness for the public regarding diagnostics and treatment for cancer.
ACS was a completely hierarchal organisation creating mistrust between branches and head office. Even though ACS was more focused creating and meting out treatment to cancer patient, it failed on one front, which was its ability to increase to provide access to quality health care. ACS’s agenda outlined in its mission statement is:
- Patient Services
- Research
- Diagnostics and Treatment
However with changing times and new standards required from the profession the organisation was also required to change leading to appointment of Dr John Seffrin. When Dr Seffrin was appointed to the post, he was faced with one of the major dilemma inside occurring within the organisation. The problem revolved around resentment divisional office and the National head office. He handled the problem by increasing communication between division and the National by integrating, monitoring and increasing the reliance of the divisions on the head office.
Access to Care
Like all things taking place within the organisation the new model proposed by Dr Seffrin was also initially met with resentment. This was because the new strategy was a huge deviation from existing model. Access to care was received very controversial reviews at the time of its implementation, with even the President of the organisation being unsure about it.
The need for Access to care came around the time when America was undergoing major changes in its healthcare system. Dr Seffrin rightly accessed that the changes would also impact the organisation while many within the organisations were trying to stay out of the turmoil. The single payer system prompted Dr Seffrin to take action and created Access to Care.
The new strategy revolved around improving accessibility of an individual to basic and quality health care. More focus is now being put upon discovering and treating the symptoms in early stages so that complications do not arise in future. Furthermore, the system focuses upon affordability by preventing financial restraint to become the main reason for not receiving the treatment.
Due to intense, controversial scrutiny under which the strategy came, the need for advocacy also arose. Influencing public policy was the initial focus of the organisation so that communication of the new strategy would be made to the masses of covered facilities provided by the organisation including cancer screening, ensuring access to treatment, raising taxes and tightening laws on smoking-related activities.
Part 2
Implementation of the Strategy
Communicating the vision
To communicate, the Access to care initiative to the public, the best method would be through T.V campaigns. The budget that Dr Seffrin made was around $15 million to conducting Access to care promotion. The purpose of these campaigns is to remind people about the mammograms and colonoscopies.
Values & Beliefs
Dr Seffrin value and beliefs are regarding the access to care program is that he wanted to bring cancer under control and make the American Cancer Society the leader in America. As well as reducing the death from cancer, reducing cancer incidence rates and improving the quality of life of the cancer patients.
Governance Control
The American Cancer Society main aim was to work with the government and becoming the number one cancer treatment society in America. To implement the access to care, the ACS would partner up or ally itself with a political party. The reasons for this alliance is to reduce the incidence rate of cancer by increasing tax on tobacco, rules on the smoke-free zone and as well as receiving funds from the party to increase the cancer treatment research.
Leading Change
For supporting the access to care program, the leadership for the implementation of the program needs to be strong. As there were 13 regional divisions and 13 division board of directors, this caused a problem among the management system. The leadership control had to be strong in order to solve the issues on the management system and set aside their differences of one another. To improve the teamwork on the implementation of the access to care program, the company cross-functional leadership.........................
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