Most large companies are not radical innovators. They are good to ensure that major changes in existing products or technologies, but they can not seem to commercialize breakthrough ideas. This is because of their "genetic" makeup: the values embodied in their management practices, their cultures and structures, their dependence on internal R & D, and their inability to attract and motivate the kind of aggressive and flexible entrepreneurs who are the source of most radical innovation . Large companies in traditional industries that wish to expand their access to the radical innovations are various approaches available to them. They range from those that rely on existing institutional resources, but it is unlikely to encourage radical innovation ideas that are associated with re-external relationships with entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. The focus of innovation is moving from what is inside of that which is outside of the organization, the keys to the success of the transition of ownership and management arrangements radical innovations in the mechanisms that promote learning about its commercial potential. "Hide
by Robert Stringer Source: California Management Review 20 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2000. Prod. #: CMR180-PDF-ENG