Apex Investment Partners Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Apex Investment Partners Case Solution

Access Line an attractive investment opportunity

The Access Line is operating in the growing industry of telecommunication which indicates that the company has potential to grow its turnover which leads to enhanced profitability. In addition the company has most competent and innovative senior management who creates the better and effective strategies and polices in order to reduce operational cost and enhancement of corporate revenue.

In addition to this the marketing strategy of the company is very effective as it aware the customer base new product range which is not in the market before. The company’s strategic actions differentiates it from its competitor as the company intends to provides better services and improved feature in it product.

The biggest example of the betterment in product is integration of different services such as paging, call etc. To enhance the economic viability of its products the company makes strategic relationships with the telephone companies. Apart from investment opportunity the Access Line Company has many risks.

Risks associated with the investment

The growing companies are more risky than Blue Chip Companies as these companies have high volatility in cash flows and any single inappropriate strategy will leads to broke of strategic relationship which in turn reduces value to the firm. In addition Access Line is dependent on small number of customers that increases the risk for the company as loss of single customer will reduce revenue substantially.

Access Line financed itself to date

Macaw Cellular Communication has the strategic relationship with the Access Line Company. The Macaw Cellular provides assistance in launch of the product of Access Line and in addition provides financial assistance as well. Initially the Access Line is opted to finance its operational requirement through private placement option. The company chosen this option as the private placement will maintain the control of existing management in the company.

Apex Investment Partners Harvard Case Solution & Analysispdf


There is no issue of equity for the new financier which eliminates the risk of loss of control over company. Another reason to execute the above option is that the company does not require providing financial records on regular basis. Apex is looking for a growing stage company as most of its portfolio is rich with these types of companies...............

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