Mastering the art of restoration and recovery of products from the waste stream in the world is a big step on the path to sustainable development. Drivers processing include not only legislation but also long-term economic life of the equipment and strategic opportunities. Key issues in reverse logistics processing include transportation and storage, processing and packing, sorting and disassembly. Understanding includes disassembly options for monitoring and sorting, knowing that disassemble, feedback from designers, inventory management and planning. Finally, there is the question of the assembly. When reduced products are completed, they should be brought back in the consumer channel and forward logistics. Also important to develop market awareness and satisfaction, the matter of the target markets, pricing and guarantees should be addressed. Successful recycling requires the development of skills, which are currently not a major part of the production portfolio. Skills development in reverse logistics will bring us closer to the ideal of sustainable development. "Hide
on Geraldo Ferrer, D. Clay Whybark Source: Business Horizons 10 pages. Publication Date: November 15, 2000. Prod. #: BH056-PDF-ENG