Describes the relationship between Freqon, manufacturer of frequency converters and NordAlu, supplier of extruded aluminum components, for 13 years. Shows how the first successes were not enough effort was followed by improvement in the future. Having achieved a significant level of cooperation, joint projects and sales in the 1990s, by 2000, the ratio was almost back to its original state of limited interest, and the tension between the two companies. Was it just a natural evolution or two firms may have gone to a better joint working relationship? Description relationship is unique, as the case writers rarely have access to information for more than 10 years. Winner in 2002, DSI Best Award study. "Hide
by Thomas E. Vollmann, Carlos Cordon, Chris Ellegaard Source: IMD 13 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2001. Prod. #: IMD157-PDF-ENG