Place in more than two years after the (A) case. Alibris survived the storm and created a popular, growing business. As the Christmas season approaches in 2000, the company is faced with two IT projects, it seems urgent and important. The first attempt to replace the software tool used book dealers and others, to get them in the directory with the database Alibris. Currently, the tool is prone to errors and gives a wealth of information about each book downloaded. This lack of a wealth of information provides useful search database Alibris difficult. The second project involves the integrity of the database. Recent data show that the records are not loaded, updated, and deleted as they should be, in all cases, with adverse consequences for clients. Alibris have to decide which of the two projects at once. There are not enough resources to do both. "Hide
by Andrew McAfee Source: Harvard Business School 15 pages. Publication Date: June 5, 2001. Prod. # 601 166-PDF-ENG