Offers goods or services only is not enough: the organization must provide its customers with a satisfactory experience. Competition in this dimension means orchestrating all the evidence that people find in the buying process. Customers always have an experience - good, bad or indifferent - whenever they buy a product or service from the company. Quality of the experience is how well a company manages - in all its aspects, and from start to finish. Organizations that are easy to set up design elements or focus on improving the pockets of customer service - by providing a quick hit of entertainment, for example - will be disappointed in the results. The first step to control the overall quality of the organization of customer service is the recognition that the authors call tips: signals and messages are allocated to all parties involved in the buying process. Tips may include the product itself (it works as advertised?) Location of outlet (signs are easy to follow?), Tint seller votes (Does he mean when he said, "Have a nice day"?), And so on. Organization that manages the sum of all the keys, you can create the optimum experience for their patrons. Turning to the evidence, which they say emotion is important. Emotional connection between companies and customers are difficult for competitors to break. Inner meaning and value, we assume that the keys can create a deep preference concrete experience - and, thus, for the products or services of one company over another. Discusses the tools that are available to help organizations rethink the signals they send to customers. We present two case studies in which organizations to significantly improve customer service. "Hide
by Leonard L. Berry, Lewis P. Carbone, Stephan H. Haeckel Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 7 pages. Publication Date: April 1, 2002. Prod. #: SMR082-PDF-ENG