Craig Knight, Asia Pacific Digital Business and Customer Service Manager of Eastman Chemical Co, was given the mandate to sell Eastman philosophy for an integrated e-supply chain, otherwise known as an integrated solution (ISS) and its business partners in the region and encourage adoption. By investing in state-of-date technical architecture that will support the relationship with all parties throughout the supply chain, Eastman seeks to fully realize the benefits to be derived from an integrated electronic supply chain globally. After numerous rounds of talks with key business partners in the Asia-Pacific region, some progress has been made. Nagase Ltd. and Japan agreed to the ISS due to Eastman, but had some reservations about the degree of integration. Although the benefits of integration have been proven, suppliers, customers, distributors and other stakeholders face numerous restrictions and considerations that will have significant implications for their established business processes and even the formation of corporate strategy. Adoption was not an easy choice. Knight realized these shortcomings and makes every effort to facilitate the adoption by identifying Nagase and other business partners in the long-term benefits of XML technology for their business. "Hide
by Benjamin Yen, Ali F. Farhoomand, Pauline Ng Source: University of Hong Kong, 17 pages. Publication Date: September 25, 2002. Prod. #: HKU222-PDF-ENG