Describes the evolution of Flextronics »from the provision of outsourcing production to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in the electronics industry in developing all branded products to purchase OEM-manufacturers. In 2001, Flextronics has started a program of development, which led to several branded mobile phones, which - even for the recognition of multiple vendors - delivery performance comparable to brand-name products at a much lower cost. However, as of early 2003, no major OEM has not agreed to buy any of these phones from Flextronics. As chairman and CEO of Flextronics, Michael Marks must decide how aggressively to pursue the full development of the product. "Hide
by Robert S. Huckman, Gary P. Pisano Source: HBS Premier Case Collection 18 pages. Publication Date: November 25, 2003. Prod. #: 604063-PDF-ENG